Academic corner

Blog posts by Julie Gajewski

2023-2024 School Year

STAR Windows:

Fall: September 6-27

Winter: January 8-29

Spring: May 20- June 10 


April 30


In my initial teaching role, I assumed the position of Head Coach for a high school Track and Field team. Despite lacking prior experience in this role, I accepted the responsibility to ensure the continuity of the team and to support the student athletes. While my expertise lay primarily in coaching distance runners, I recognized the need for assistant coaches proficient in other events such as shot put, hurdles, sprints, and pole vault.

Embracing a model of shared leadership, we orchestrated a successful track season where several student athletes advanced to the Maryland State Track and Field competition. Central to our achievements was the establishment of collective objectives, fostering a sense of ownership among coaches and athletes for their respective events. This experience underscored the importance of trust among colleagues and instilled a culture of teamwork and accountability.

Recently, we convened a team of dedicated professionals committed to cultivating a data-informed culture to propel school improvement efforts. In collaboration with our principals, we assembled a diocese-wide STAR Champion team with a unified aim of aligning best practices for implementing the STAR formative assessment program.

Our session was structured around three core objectives: 

  • discussing best practices for test administration, 

  • providing technical support at the building level, 

  • effectively communicating STAR results to parents. 

The meeting proved fruitful as STAR Champions shared insights on successful practices, identified areas necessitating clarification, and posed pertinent questions to enhance our processes.

Moving forward, our aim is to craft a comprehensive best practices document for presentation to principals, seeking their feedback and recommendations. This document will serve as a blueprint for STAR implementation in the upcoming academic year, marking the third year of diocesan-wide adoption. Special thanks goes to Laurie Wojtaszczyk for her leadership in facilitating the training for all participants in test administration and tech support, who graciously dedicated their time to engage either in-person at the Catholic Center or virtually. Notably, our gathering comprised representatives from 20 out of 29 schools participating in STAR across the Diocese of Buffalo.

STAR and Data Implementation:


  1. Develop data school board reports.

    1. Sample Board Report - Make a copy and edit document to fit your needs

    2. Guidelines for sharing academic data with a school board 

April 23

April 16

March 26

March 19

March 12

March 5

February 13

Previous posts from Kari Buchinger

September 19

September 12

September 5

August 29


2022-2023 School Year

2021-2022 School Year